15 Ways to Pray for International Missionaries

generosity prayer

Our churches sent them out, often forsaking a more comfortable, easier way of life. They went willing and enthusiastically, following the calling God had placed in their lives. They knew such a decision would likely result in future difficulties, disappointments, and challenges. Yet, the cause of Christ made everything worth it. They were moved by mission.

They are international missionaries. They uprooted their lives and moved a great distance, sometimes around the globe, so that the gospel may go forth. 

William Carey is known as the “Father of the Modern Missionary Movement.” Before he left for India in 1793, he said to his good friend, Andrew Fuller, ““I will go down into the pit, if you will hold the ropes.” Carey was saying that he would go to the other side of the world if Fuller and others promised their ongoing support.

We have a similar opportunity to participate in international missions. This opportunity can include financial support, but it is by no means limited to money. Our missionaries need our prayers.

Unfortunately, most rarely pray for missionaries. Sometimes, it is a result of being “out of sight, out of mind.” Sometimes, we don’t know how to pray for missionaries.

If you find yourself struggling to pray for these humble yet valiant men and women, here are fifteen suggestions. May they lead you to a place of regular prayer for missionaries.

1. Pray they will have a peace that surpasses all understanding.

There will be troubles for missionaries. Satan will ensure this. They will have questions of provision. They will experience relational challenges with those in the community. There will be family difficulties. There will be seasons of loneliness. Pray that, like Paul, they will find themselves content, regardless of the situation. Pray that, amid difficult moments and seasons, they will find themselves resting in a peace that only comes from God.

2. Pray they will be filled with the boldness and courage necessary to do the work to which they’ve been called.

Many missionaries face serious risks when getting the gospel to a lost people. For some missionaries, the gospel they share can result in imprisonment or even death. Pray that all missionaries, whatever risks they face, will be filled with boldness and courage. Pray missionaries will prioritize the another’s eternity over their potential, momentary affliction.

3. Pray for their financial and material provision.

Many missionaries rely on the support of believers in other countries. Pray that believers truly will financially hold the rope. Pray that missionaries will not have to worry about feeding their family but are able to fully focus on the mission to which God has called them. Pray they will have confidence that the God who feeds the birds of the air and clothes the flowers of the field will provide for them as well.

4. Pray doors will open that were previously closed.

Somewhere around the globe, a missionary is attempting to share the gospel where prior attempts were shut down. Pray that these previously closed doors would open. Pray that the gospel will get to a people that has never heard the Good News before.

5. Pray that God will move the hearts of those who hear the gospel.

While the missionary is tasked with sharing the gospel, they are unable to ensure the person will accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. According to the Scriptures, this is a work only God can perform. He is the heart-changer. So, pray that God will move the hearts of those who hear the gospel.

6. Pray for their confidence in God’s Word.

A missionary must have confidence that every word of God is useful and true. Pray their confidence in Scripture and its teachings will not waiver. Pray they will confidently proclaim the truth found in the Bible.

7. Pray they will respond in love when attacked.

It is not uncommon for a missionary to face verbal, or even physical, attacks. In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5), Jesus reminds us they did the same things to Him. However, believers are not to respond with like attacks. Instead, we love those who hate us. Pray missionaries will respond to hate with love. Such a response only further illustrates the power of the gospel to a lost people.

8. Pray for victory over spiritual attacks.

Satan will not sit idle and let Jesus gain ground. When the gospel goes forth, it will be met with spiritual attacks. Pray that missionaries will experience victory over the inevitable battle.

9. Pray for patience and perseverance.

Many missionaries will toil for years before seeing a single person come to faith in Jesus. Pray that as they work difficult soil, they will not grow weary in doing good and sharing the gospel. Pray that their patience will increase. Pray they will persevere during the seemingly dry seasons, knowing that God is working in ways they are unable to see.

10. Pray they will see the fruit of their labor.

While patience and perseverance are often required of missionaries, pray they will see fruit. Pray they will see people put their faith in Jesus and be baptized. Pray that they will see churches planted. Pray they will see a multiplication of disciple-making disciples.

11. Pray for their family. 

Often, it is an entire family that moves to a new country. This family will face many challenges acclimating themselves to their new context. Pray they will learn the language quickly. Pray the children will make friends. Pray that a support structure will be found. Pray that the family’s bond will remain strong. Pray the family will thrive spiritually.

12. Pray for their marriage.

When committing to the mission field, both husband and wife must be all-in, and their relationship should be strong. Once on the mission field, their relationship will be tested. Pray that their marriage remains strong. Pray that the marriage remains happy. Pray that the marriage reflects the gospel to their new community.

13. Pray for their physical health.

Missionaries can face various physical challenges, like illnesses. Depending on their context, these physical challenges can be made more serious due to unavailable medical care or medicine. Pray that missionaries’ health will remain strong. Pray that they can access proper medical care when they do face physical challenges.

14. Pray for their mental health.

Missionaries can also face various mental health illnesses, like depression. When such mental health issues arise, pray the illnesses are identified and properly treated.

15. Pray for their spiritual health.

Pray that their walk with God remains rich. Pray that they can feel God’s closeness. Pray that they will not neglect the study of God’s Word, and that they will also regularly commune with God in prayer.

Be a rope-holder. Support missionaries with your money and your prayers. Commit to being the Andrew Fuller of your church’s missionaries.