25 Money Questions to Ask Your Fiancé

Statistically, marriage and money are an explosive combination. Use these questions to get on the same financial page before you say, “I do.”
What was your experience with money growing up?
What is your money personality (saver, spender, investor, or ignorer)?
Financially speaking, who do you look up to?
What is your budgeting philosophy?
What do you think God says about money?
What does financial generosity look like for you now?
What would you like your financial generosity to look like in the future?
What is your goal with money?
How do you feel about debt?
How do you feel about using credit cards?
Is it okay to purchase something that was not in the budget?
How often do you think we should discuss our finances?
What are your thoughts on joint accounts?
It is okay for us to have a separate accounts?
Should we tell each other everything we purchased?
What are your thoughts on personal spending limits?
How much money do you think should be saved for an emergency?
How much money should be saved each month?
What are your thoughts on saving for retirement?
Do you think we should know everything about each other's finances before getting married?
What are your thoughts on car loans and leases?
What eternal difference do you want your finances to make?
What portion of a paycheck should we give?
Should we give to the local church first?
What other non-profits do you want to support?