5 Reasons Not to Overlook Teaching Children About Generosity at Church


When churches teach on money and generosity, the target audience is usually adult attendees. And this is understandable. Adults certainly need to hear about God’s design for them and their money.

But what about the children in your church? They are often overlooked when it comes to teachings on money and generosity. While Mom and Dad are learning about generosity, Johnny is learning about Moses (not a bad thing on its own) in his classroom. Children are detached from the important teachings God gives us about money. 

If your church has historically overlooked children when it comes to teachings on generosity, let me give you five reasons to consider a new approach.

1. Children can understand biblical concepts.

You already know this. Children soak up biblical teachings. They latch on to the stories and easily memorize Bible verses. They can understand God’s basic pattern for managing financial resources—give, save, and live. If they can understand how Jesus forgives sins, they can understand generosity.

2. Many generous, adult disciples point back to their childhood as the time they learned about giving.

I have listened to numerous men and women tell their generosity story. A large number of them start with, “I started giving to my church at a young age.” Every Sunday, they would take a coin to place in the offering plate. God took that seemingly small act and grew it into a life characterized by generosity. Don’t underestimate what a child’s small, consistent giving can become over time.

3. The application of Scriptures on generosity allows children to see that they are a part of something bigger than themselves.

Children who give start to understand that they are participating in a larger mission. When a child gives, there is ample opportunity to show them how that act connects to God’s greater mission and the happenings of the church. Which leads me to my next point.

4. Parents can leverage the lessons for ongoing discipleship in the home.

When a church teaches its children about generosity, they are teeing up several discipleship-oriented conversations for their parents. Why is it important to hold our resources loosely? How does God use the resources we give? Why do we prioritize giving? In general, why do we give? Teaching children about generosity is a gift for parents desiring to point their children to Christ.

5. Encouraging generosity provides a tangible way to make God and His Church priorities.

For children, generosity is an easy way to practice what they learn. We want them to make God and His Church the priority in their lives. There are few better ways to demonstrate this than through regular giving. This gift may be small, a quarter from their parents, but the action communicates something significant.

Teach adults about money and generosity. But when you do, don’t forget about the children. Include them in the teaching. Have age appropriate lessons for children that coincide with the teachings their parents are receiving.

Children can understand the biblical principles of money and generosity. Lord willing, they can be another child who, as an adult, points back to this moment as the start of their generosity story. Don’t overlook the children. Teach them what God says about this important topic.