8 Reasons to Be an 8 Money Milestones Group Leader

8 Money Milestones is a brand-new program that helps participants get financially healthy for the sake of living and giving more generously. Over six weeks, participants will learn how to get out of debt, control their finances, and live more generously.
The program is perfect for small groups. And every small group needs a small group leader. If you are considering leading an 8 Money Milestones group, let us provide some reasons why we think you will be glad you did.
1. You get to be a part of something life-changing.
Being an 8 Money Milestones group leader allows you to be part of a transformative experience. Many individuals face financial stress, burdened by debt and a sense of financial chaos. This program not only offers practical solutions but also imparts a biblical understanding of money, encouraging participants to trust God with their finances. It's a truly life-changing endeavor. When you are an 8 Money Milestones group leader, you get to be a part of something life-changing.
2. You get to help people understand what God says about money.
God is not silent on the topic of money. There are over 2,000 verses in the Bible about money, possessions, and stewardship. As you study these verses, it becomes clear that God cares about our relationship with money because money management reflects heart management. When you are an 8 Money Milestones group leader, you get to help people understand what God says about money.
3. You get to help people take practical steps in their finances.
8 Money Milestones provides a biblical understanding of money, but it also provides practical ways for participants to practically implement those teachings in a person’s finances. Is the participant struggling with debt? 8 Money Milestones covers how to get out of debt. Is a participant struggling to manage money? 8 Money Milestones teaches how to make a Blueprint for Mission. Does a participant need to start saving for retirement? 8 Money Milestones covers that, too. When you are an 8 Money Milestones group leader, you get to help people take practical steps in their finances.
4. You get to do something significant for your church.
Your church is filled with men and women who struggle with their finances. It is impacting their spiritual well-being and their ability to give more generously. 8 Money Milestones teaches participants how to get financially healthy for the sake of living and giving more generously. Imagine if your church was filled with financially healthy, generosity-minded people. You can be a part of that effort. When you are an 8 Money Milestones group leader, you get to do something significant for your church.
5. You get to create new friendships.
Some groups will be created specifically for the 8 Money Milestones program. But while they start as strangers, something strange happens over the six weeks—strangers become friends. Real relationships develop as group members learn, share, and take significant steps in their finances. When you are an 8 Money Milestones group leader, you get to create new friendships.
6. You get to deepen existing friendships.
Some groups that go through 8 Money Milestones have existed for a while. Maybe they regularly do a Bible Study. Maybe they are a Sunday school group. Maybe they are a church small group. For these groups, the relationships between members will only deepen as they learn about and discuss a topic that impacts their hearts and lives in a very real way. As an 8 Money Milestones group leader, you get to deepen existing friendships.
7. You get extra resources to help lead an incredible group.
How do you lead an amazing 8 Money Milestones group? This is why we created the 8 Money Milestones (Group Leader Edition). This edition provides additional resources like small group guides and template emails to help you as a leader. We want you to have a wonderful experience. So, as an 8 Money Milestones group leader, you get extra resources to help lead an incredible group.
8. Did we mention that you get to be a part of something life-changing?
This point deserves to be repeated. When you lead an 8 Money Milestones group, you are not just helping people get financially healthy. You are a part of changing people’s lives. You are changing the lives of those in your group and those who will hear the gospel because your group members decided to get financially healthy so that more resources could go out for Great Commission purposes. Yes, as an 8 Money Milestones group leader, you truly get to be a part of something life-changing.
Discover more about 8 Money Milestones at 8MoneyMilestones.com. Join us in making a lasting, Kingdom-advancing impact.