Top Books on Marriage and Money
“My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me.” – Winston Churchill
Here, I find myself relating to Churchill.
Marriage, when husband and wife are following God’s plan for it, is incredible. The same can be said for financial health. And when a couple is following God’s plan for both—wow. They are a force for advancing God’s Kingdom, living with their hands wide open, allowing God to use their resources in remarkable ways.
Unfortunately, most deviate from God’s plan for both marriage and money.
And the result is anything but incredible. In fact, it’s disastrous.
Getting money right in your marriage is a must. I have included a few of my favorite books on the topic below. And yes, I did include one of my own. Choose a few and go through them with your spouse. Get on the same financial page with your spouse. Let oneness describe your marriage and your finances.
The Marriage Challenge: A Finance Guide for Married Couples by Art Rainer
No matter how long you’ve been married or what type of financial baggage you bring to your marriage, The Marriage Challenge will help you see how Biblical financial principles should be applied to your relationship. The eight money milestones found within will graciously challenge you to take charge of both your money and your marriage without shaming and discouraging you from ever beginning the life-changing process.
Thriving in Love and Money: 5 Game-Changing Insights about Your Relationship, Your Money, and Yourself by Shaunti Feldhahn and Jeff Feldhahn
In this book written by husband and wife duo, the Feldhahns address some of the biggest financial concerns facing marriages today. Backed by years of research, this book gets to the heart of why couples struggle deeply with issues related to money. The goal of Thriving in Love and Money Is not just to address the external issues, but to get to the root of emotion, communication, and discordance in marriage.
Money Problems; Marriage Solutions: 7 Keys to Aligning Your Finances and Uniting Your Hearts by Chuck Bentley and Ann Bentley.
Chuck Bentley has been known as a global financial advisor to all people from all walks of life. In this book with his wife, Ann, Bentley appeals to the heart of all married couples who struggle with disunity in their finances—which as he points out in this book is the vast majority of people. Using narrative, Scripture, and personal experience, Bentley provides a framework for how to be united in marriage financially.
Money and Marriage God’s Way by Howard Dayton
This is a great book for singles looking towards marriage, couples who are engaged, or newlyweds seeking a simple way to learn about money management in relationship with another. Dayton’s book offers a general overview of biblical financial principles with questions and insights meant to cultivate a spirit of openness and communication between partners.
Splitting Heirs: Giving Your Money and Things to Your Children Without Ruining Their Lives by Ron Blue and Jeremy L. White.
An issue that often comes up in mature marriages is the best way to share your financial legacy with your children. Blue and White provide a helpful resource on how to think wisely about your resources and how to transfer wealth to future generations without creating long-term issues. Regardless of the amount of resources you possess, the principles at the heart of this book will encourage and inform you to make wise decisions regarding your estate.
God has designed all areas of your marriage to be one, including your money. Pick up a few of these books and learn about God’s plan for your marriage and your money.